Exclusive snapshots of participants during the Handelsblatt European Banking Regulation opening speech. Martin Leissl - Your event photographer in Frankfurt. Capture the moment!
Captured engaging panel discussion at Handelsblatt's 'European Banking Regulation' event - photography for Euroforum
Participants look at their documents during the Handelsblatt event "European Banking Regulation. Martin Leissl event photography for Euroforum
Captured engaging panel discussion at Handelsblatt's 'European Banking Regulation' event - photography for Euroforum
Participants look at their documents during the Handelsblatt event "European Banking Regulation. Martin Leissl experienced event photography
Discussions during the coffee break at the Handelsblatt event "European Banking Regulation". Experienced Event Photographer Martin Leissl - Frankfurt | Reliable Service
A speaker during the Handelsblatt event "European Banking Regulation". Experienced Event Photographer Martin Leissl - Frankfurt | Reliable Service
A speaker gestures during a panel discussion at the Handelsblatt event 'European Banking Regulation'.
A participant asks a question at the Handelsblatt / Euroforum event "European Banking Regulation". Martin Leissl Captures Your Event - Photography Services
Euroforum Handelsblatt
I provide photo coverage for Handelsblatt's "European Banking Regulation" event for Euroforum. As an event photographer, I specialize in conferences within the fields of economics and finance, delivering professional documentation.